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There’s something about a 

dapper lion with impeccable 

taste and manners

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“Kuplink! Kuplank! Kuplunk!” My dad must have hated this book as much as I loved it because I made him read it to me over and over and over again night after night after night.  It’s a good thing he was such a good sport!


I loved everything about the tiny worlds of these clever characters!


Even though I am petrified of spiders,

Charlotte has and always will have 

a special place in my heart.


After reading Harriet the Spy, my best friend and I each wore a Pen-sciss-rule belt… a “spy” belt that the two of us designed.  The pen-sciss-rule belt had a place for pens, a pair of scissors, and a ruler (pen-sciss-rule = pens, scissors, ruler). We wore it around our waist when we hid in the bushes for hours waiting for someone to spy on. It actually wasn’t very useful, but we felt cool wearing it.


I absolutely LOVED Nancy Drew books and still have my collection, some of which were given to my mother by my grandparents when she was a young girl and then passed down to me.  I still recall the wonderful feeling I had when I was in the thick of one of those mysteries…part of me didn’t want the book to end, and part of me couldn’t wait to finish so I could have the answer to the mystery!


In High School I liked to read Stephen King Novels. Salem’s Lot was the scariest book I have ever read in my life! In fact, I wouldn’t keep it in my room at night it scared me so much. I don’t read scary books anymore!

Favorite Books

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